How to Minimize Injury When Running

Why choose running?

Running is a great way for everyone to get into shape. If you want to get into shape without bulking up, this is the perfect exercise for you. It is an inexpensive way to exercise because you can do this anywhere from the parks to the gym. If you want some motivation there are many apps you can download to measure your steps and distance. When running, having good lower body strength is crucial for anyone. Especially since it is an exercise that increases speed and strength. All muscles in the leg need to develop strength, especially the calves for midfoot runners and quads for heel strikers. Make sure to have the right footwear for this endeavour so that you aren’t injured. 
Did you know that tissue adaptability is an important factor? Well, the answer is “absolutely yes!!!”. If your training increases too quickly it can negatively affect your health. To make sure your tissues get adapted, the walk-run program is the recommended method. This is where you try to run for 30 minutes or 2 miles without any difficulty. In the beginning, you walk most of the distance but by the end of 8 weeks, you are able to run the full distance. After you complete the goal you can set more goals for yourself another 2 miles perhaps or choose to increase your speed. There is always room for improvement but pace yourself so you don’t cause any injuries.
Finally, a recovery which is often ignored by many of us is very essential when running. Hydration after running is crucial.  For the immediate 2 hours following exercise, you need to keep your body well hydrated. says “For every kilogram of body weight you lose, you need to drink one-and-a-half litres of fluid. Try to drink around 500 ml in the first 30 minutes after your run. Keep gulping every 5-10 minutes until you have reached your target.”.